How to Skillfully Make a Good Impression

If you want people 

  • to think well of you, 
  • to look up to you, 
  • to look upon you with admiration and respect .

Then you must give them the impression that you deserve that rating. This is done primarily by the value put on yourself.

How to value yourself :

Be proud of yourself (but not conceited), 

  • Be proud of who you are, 
  • Be proud of what you do, 
  • Be proud of where you work. 

Don’t apologize for your station in life or for yourself. You are what you are, so handle yourself with pride and respect.


When people ask you what you do for a living, it is very important how you answer them. 

Let’s assume you sell insurance. 

Which of the following answers is stated with more pride?

 First one- “Oh, I’m just another insurance peddler.

 They couldn’t possibly be impressed with you, for you have told them that you weren’t worth their being impressed.

Instead , handle yourself with pride and respect.

Second one- “I’m fortunate enough to be associated with one of the finest companies in the country, the Blank Insurance Co.

So what do you think , who is proud of their job?

The first One or second one? 

Obviously the second answer would get over the first answer.


So be proud of what you do ?

Hold yourself high.

Other ways to make a good impression:

1. Be Sincere :

  • Stay away from cheap flattery, empty promises and meaningless words.
  • Say only things which you mean.
  • Believe those things that you say

2.Show Enthusiasm :

  • This is a priceless asset that you can acquire   by just selling yourself on what you are   doing.
  • Enthusiasm is contagious. Only after you sell yourself, and not until, can you sell others.

3.Don’t be overanxious :

  •  In dealing with people, avoid seeming   overanxious.
  •  Overanxiety starts people wondering   and gives them doubts.
  •  People have a strong tendency to balk   at any action in which they feel you   are overly anxious for them doing. Their instinct will be to get suspicious or to drive a harder bargain.
  •  Conceal your anxiety. Be an actor.

4.Don’t try to build yourself up by running other people down :

  •  Always stand on your own merits; don’t try to make yourself look good by making other people look bad.
  • True progress in life will be determined by your own efforts and worth.
  • You cannot get far “advancing over the bodies of others.
  •  Keep the emphasis on yourself. You do that when you stand on your own merits. When you run others down to make yourself look good, the emphasis is on them, not on your.

5.Don’t knock anybody or anything:

  •  If you can’t say something good, say nothing.
  •  It is wrong to knock, but that is not the main reason not to knock. The main reason is that knocks and knocking boomerang and hurt the knocker himself.
  •  Knocking just reveals one’s inner self.
  •  Be shrewd, be smooth; don’t knock.

Thank you. ✌️

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